Data Privacy and Your Home

Only a few decades ago, when it came to protecting your home’s privacy, you may have only had to consider physical protections concerning a fence or keeping your blinds closed to escape the gawking of a nosy neighbor. Today, with the onslaught of ever-changing technology, there are now other levels of privacy related to your […]

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Should You Buy a Home in an “Up-and-Coming” Neighborhood?

As the real estate market has been in unprecedented cycles for the past few years, many potential buyers are becoming open to scenarios they may not have even considered in previous years or other economic situations. One such consideration might be widening your search criteria to consider what is known as an “up-and-coming” neighborhood. Other

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Are Open Houses a Thing of the Past?

Historical Context According to some historians, real estate open houses, or similar concepts date back as early as the 1910s. Then called an “open for inspection,” event, buyers would open their homes to the public so that interested parties could step inside and inspect the home’s features. Over the next 20-30 years, a variation of

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How to Know When It’s Time to Lower Your Listing Price

Within the last 12-18 months, the national real estate market has experienced historic, nearly unprecedented trends. Home buyers have foregone inspections and appraisals. Sellers have gotten multiple offers even before a multiple listing service (MLS) link goes live. They have offered over asking price, putting large sums of cash to cover a sale beyond what

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Veterans Day

Veterans Day is an important holiday to be observed and celebrated annually, because it allows us to honor the people who have willingly sacrificed their lives for our country. It also offers a chance to give thanks to the men and women who serve in the military right now to protect our country. Too many

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