two people exchanging keys for money

Should You Rent Out Your House When You PCS?

As military service families, purchasing a home is a complex decision with various specialized factors due to the nature of the transitional lifestyle. Unlike your civilian counterparts, many military families purchase homes knowing they will only live in them for two or three years.  Depending on the area you live in as well as other […]

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screened in porch with warm sunlight pouring in

What Do You Love About Your Home? Seeing Your Home Through a Buyer’s Eyes

There’s no denying that no one loves your home like you do. The way you have your furniture arranged for maximum livability, favorite photos, and sentimental items displayed, as well as the practical and functional use of all manner of appliances and gadgets is what makes your home uniquely yours.  When it comes to potential

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Big blue house with a nice yard

Biggest House on the Block: How Price Per Square Foot Impacts Your Home Value

There are many ways to value a home. Some argue a home is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Others look to an estimated algorithm provided by services like Zillow. Knowing your price per square foot (PPSF) and how that impacts both listing price and time on the market is an

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tax paperwork and a calculator on a desk

Ending One Tax Year and Preparing for the Next

If you had a Permanent Change of Station in 2020, you may have sold an existing home, turned your home into a rental, bought a new home, some combination of the three! Chances are your taxes as they relate to homeownership may be more complex than the average person, especially if you owned property in

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person tying shoe in front of dumbbell

Setting Up a Personal Fitness Space in Your Home

It seems as if every January, a large number of people vow to get in better physical shape by making New Year’s resolutions. Most gyms and fitness centers can prove that a bulk of their new membership comes in January but by mid-February, all of those well-laid plans to hit the treadmill and weight equipment

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Making a Mission Statement for Your Home

As military service families, we are no strangers to the idea of mission-focused living. It’s what drives the force, guides our day to day activities, and gives us a specific objective to work towards. While a military mission is a living, breathing thing, your home, too,–albeit a static object–might benefit from having its own mission

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