The American Dream (Home)

According to Investopedia, “The American dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society in which upward mobility is possible for everyone.” For most Americans, this dream or belief spills over into home ownership. For […]

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Have New Home Construction Costs Finally Stabilized?

Over the past three years, home building construction costs have been higher than normal. In 2022 alone, there was a 14% increase in material and labor costs alone. Between labor shortages, production delays, supply chain issues, and inflation consumers have experienced high prices across the board.  How are things looking for 2023?  According to the

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Does “Location, Location, Location” Still Matter in 2023?

An often repeated mantra of real estate is “Location, Location, Location.” This phrase has long held a connotation that the single greatest factor of importance when buying or selling a home is its location.  Are buyers motivated by the square footage of a home? Its layout? Its age? Its quality of finishes? Its size? Its

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What is a Resource Efficient Home?

A resource-efficient home is best described as a home that sustainably uses the Earth’s limited resources while at the same time, minimizing environmental impact. Think, repair, re-manufacturing, recycling, maintenance, and more eco-friendly home design.  There are a variety of definitions of what a “green” home truly is. A widely held and accepted definition includes the

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Universal Design and How Accessibility Should Factor Into Your Home Buying Decision

What exactly is universal design?  Simply defined, universal design is focused on making a house safe, accessible, and free of barriers for every person no matter their age, height, or physical ability. Universal design is different from accessible design as it deals primarily with public spaces and legislation like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

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Does Your Credit Score Impact Your Home Buying Power?

With home prices starting to come down and interest rates continuing to climb, it is important to understand how your credit score can impact your home buying power because as goes your interest rate, so goes the price of your monthly mortgage payment and thus, overall interest you will pay over the life of your

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