Home Buying

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Getting Educated on the Home-Buying Process

Buying a home creates stability, gives homeowners more control over how they live, and provides an opportunity for building wealth that can be passed down throughout generations. While finding a real estate agent whom home buyers trust to be a personal guide through the home-buying process is preferable, sometimes buyers need a little preliminary education

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Desperation or Love?

If you’re in house-hunting mode (again), you can feel like you’re up against the clock. And if a new duty station is in the cards, that clock can feel more like a countdown timer on a ticking bomb. That does something to a person. It ups the level of stress. It causes panic to set

Desperation or Love? Read More »

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What We Wish You Knew Before Buying a Home

Experienced real estate agents are accustomed to working with clients who have a wide range of knowledge, from first-time buyers just learning words like “mortgage” and “escrow” to multiple property investors exchanging homes as tax shelters. Those of us who primarily serve a military market are more likely to work with clients looking for their

What We Wish You Knew Before Buying a Home Read More »

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Let\’s get organized with \”Home Search Tracking Sheets\”!

Searching for the right home can be such a rush! You\’ve casually looked at homes online for months, stalked your favorites as they went under contract, and maybe even sold before you were ready. Now you\’re finally hopping in the car to get inside the properties that made the initial cut. You may be visiting a dozen

Let\’s get organized with \”Home Search Tracking Sheets\”! Read More »