Home Buying

Have New Home Construction Costs Finally Stabilized?

Over the past three years, home building construction costs have been higher than normal. In 2022 alone, there was a 14% increase in material and labor costs alone. Between labor shortages, production delays, supply chain issues, and inflation consumers have experienced high prices across the board.  How are things looking for 2023?  According to the […]

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Does “Location, Location, Location” Still Matter in 2023?

An often repeated mantra of real estate is “Location, Location, Location.” This phrase has long held a connotation that the single greatest factor of importance when buying or selling a home is its location.  Are buyers motivated by the square footage of a home? Its layout? Its age? Its quality of finishes? Its size? Its

Does “Location, Location, Location” Still Matter in 2023? Read More »

Are You Getting a Good Deal on Your Home Purchase?

These days, it can feel difficult to determine whether or not you are getting a good deal on your home purchase. Over the past two years, the United States has seen unprecedented trends within the housing market. From over asking price cash offers and homes selling merely hours after hitting the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

Are You Getting a Good Deal on Your Home Purchase? Read More »

Should You Buy a Home in an “Up-and-Coming” Neighborhood?

As the real estate market has been in unprecedented cycles for the past few years, many potential buyers are becoming open to scenarios they may not have even considered in previous years or other economic situations. One such consideration might be widening your search criteria to consider what is known as an “up-and-coming” neighborhood. Other

Should You Buy a Home in an “Up-and-Coming” Neighborhood? Read More »

Are Open Houses a Thing of the Past?

Historical Context According to some historians, real estate open houses, or similar concepts date back as early as the 1910s. Then called an “open for inspection,” event, buyers would open their homes to the public so that interested parties could step inside and inspect the home’s features. Over the next 20-30 years, a variation of

Are Open Houses a Thing of the Past? Read More »