Home Buying

inspector taking notes on a clipboard

Why You Should Always Get a Reliable Home Inspection

For the past several months of this year, it has become obvious that the real estate market is very active. New and existing home sales are through the roof, and you may have even heard of outlandish stories of homes selling in a day, over asking price, with multiple offers that include personal letters or

Why You Should Always Get a Reliable Home Inspection Read More »

true agent holding keys with a small house

The True Cost of Hiring a Real Estate Professional

You’ve likely heard the phrase, “You get what you pay for.” Most often this phrase is used when someone doesn’t pay much if any money for a good or service and they’re left with the realization that their outcome is subpar as well as mounds of regret.  Think of the example of cutting your partner’s

The True Cost of Hiring a Real Estate Professional Read More »

woman using a smart phone

Real Estate Professionals Provide Innovative Solutions for Buying and Selling

The field of real estate is just like any other industry that continues to evolve. To maintain relevancy and utility, agents must continually assess and respond to the industry’s needs and demands. Nowhere is this more true than in the realm of technology. Real estate professionals can provide innovative solutions to their clients by staying

Real Estate Professionals Provide Innovative Solutions for Buying and Selling Read More »

adult holding hands with a child wearing a backpack

Evaluating Schools Near Your New Duty Station: Public or Private?

One of the most pressing, but often under-discussed issues when military families are making choices about purchasing a home is school choice for those with school-age children. For many, one of the surest ways to hone in on a home search is to designate a particular school zone as a central criterion. This narrows down

Evaluating Schools Near Your New Duty Station: Public or Private? Read More »

condos with a blue sky

Is an Apartment, Condo, or Single Family Home Right for You?

When considering your next home, it might benefit you to take additional time to consider all of your housing options before making your final choice. Even if you have traditionally opted for a single-family home, an apartment or condominium may make the most sense depending upon your situation. Keep in mind the four following factors

Is an Apartment, Condo, or Single Family Home Right for You? Read More »


7 Benefits of a Commute: Making the Most of Your Time

Perhaps you find yourself with a decent amount of time driving to and from work with a significant commute. It can be the default to allow this portion of your day to feel stressful or like a perfectly good waste of your time–stuck in your vehicle or on mass transit with little else to occupy

7 Benefits of a Commute: Making the Most of Your Time Read More »