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DIY: Outdoor Privacy

You love your neighbors (hopefully). You love the feeling of community and togetherness. Chances are also high that you like privacy and boundaries as well. Most folks think of fences when they think of privacy. But fences can be a prohibitively expensive proposition, particularly if you’re not likely to be in your current home for

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Neighborhood Fun

Your neighbors are important because everyone wants to live in a nice neighborhood. Because we, despite living in a world that’s seemingly constantly connected, feel disconnected and long for the idyllic streets of our childhood (or the heartwarming movies we watch). Because we fantasize about our kids, fresh into yet another military move, bonding instantly

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Tax Season

While the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was signed into law in December 2017, this is the first tax year under the new tax laws. Whether you rented, purchased, or sold real estate in 2018, changes in the tax code will have implications for gross taxable income, eligible deductions, and exemptions that can be

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DIY: Curb Appeal

The calendar says it’s spring and, if you call somewhere with more than one season home, it’s likely that spring arrived just as you and your family were starting to experience some serious cabin fever. It’s the time of year for sunshine and cool breezes and fresh air outside with loved ones. It’s also the

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