
fall decorAgent Intel IMAGE RESIZE

DIY Fall Decorating

Are you looking for some easy and affordable ways to get your home fall-ready for celebrating holidays, relaxing with family, or for a pleasant change of scenery? Below are six suggestions that you can do yourself to have a space that says “Welcome Fall” no matter the occasion.  Use What You Have Maybe you haven’t […]

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Teaching Kids About Money in a Creative Way

Only 23% of kids say they talk to their parents regularly about money, according to survey results shared by Money Confident Kids. In a 2014 survey of 15-year-olds in the United States, the Organization for Economic Co‑operation and Development found that 18% did not learn fundamental financial skills that are often applied in everyday situations,

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Safe at Home: OPSEC Reminders

  We’ve all heard it mentioned every now and then at military ceremonies or gatherings among friends who live the military life. OPSEC—or Operations Security—seems like common sense to most of us. And after all, who is likely to overhear you talking to your Aunt Jamie about your spouse’s deployment dates while chatting about Christmas

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It’s (Almost) Tax Time: Tips for Military Homeowners

Congratulations on becoming a homeowner this past year! Whether it’s your first home or your forever home, becoming a homeowner is an exciting time. As we begin the new year, filled with resolutions and intentions, tax season can honestly seem far away. However, a little time spent now can save you immense headaches closer to

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